Thursday, December 11, 2008

The SAF Leadership Framework

The new framework emphasizes that leadership training and development must always include two aspects – understanding of the leadership context, and, the four domains of leadership development, namely, values, competencies, styles, and the self. (Read more)

The SAF Leadership Framework Conference Paper is also available for download for reference reading:
Military Science 2006

Leadership Competency Model

Trainees are to read and understand the composite of the 5 competencies and the 24 set skills in the Leadership Competency Model (LCM).

Assignment 1:
Trainees are to write a reflection on 2 choosen competencies and their stipulated set skills which trainees have encouter in their life experience thus far. The reflection is to be submitted in the LMS under CSS junior specialists course 01/08-09, week 1 folder.

Problem-based Learning (PBL) vs Competency Based Learning (CBL)

As ALTI has subscribe to Temasek Polytechnic PBL package, the trainees under the CSS formation are to adopt the framework of PBL.
Trainees should be able to understand and differentiate between PBL and CBL through the references:

1. Problem-Based Learning
2. Competency Based Learning

Tutorial Session 1 - PBL Case Study


Your team is stranded on a deserted landscape. In order to survive a potential flood, your team is to cross a broad river so as to ascend to higher ground and escape the flood. Upon scouting the surrounding, your team found the following equipment:

1. 2 x thick branches
2. Several twinge dangling from an unknown tree
3. 2 x broken chairs
4. A discarded buoy

Discuss among yourselves who will be the leader for this task and the method of crossing. You will need to present your answers during the tutorial class.